Обеспечение медицинских учреждений современным оборудованием и расходными материалами
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Vector Laboratories, часть компании Maravai LifeSciences, была пионером и остается лидером в разработке и поставке реагентов с метками и исследовательских реагентов в иммуногистохимии, иммунофлуоресценции, гликобиологии и биологических конъюгатов. Как первая компания, предложившая авидин-биотиновые энзимные системы детекции (VECTASTAIN® ABC kits) для иммногистохимии и монтирующие среды, предотвращающие выцветание в иммунофлуоресценции (VECTASHIELD® Mounting Media), Vector вывела на рынок свыше 600 наборов и реагентов в различных областях исследований по всему миру. Производство Vector сертифицировано по ISO 9001:2015, а использование реагентов компании упоминается более, чем в 350,000 научных публикаций.

Компания расположена в области Сан-Франциско и была основана доктором Jim Whitehead, который приложил много усилий, чтобы продукция высочайшего качества стала доступна исследователям во всем мире. Страницу Vector Laboratories можно посетить на сайте www.vectorlabs.com

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Системы детекции



Catalog №



Standard (Reagent A and B only)


1 Kit


Rabbit IgG


1 Kit


Mouse IgG


1 Kit


Human IgG


1 Kit


Rat IgG


1 Kit


Goat IgG


1 Kit


Sheep IgG


1 Kit


Guinea Pig IgG


1 Kit


Human IgM


1 Kit


Mouse IgM


1 Kit




1 Kit

Mouse-On-Mouse Immunodetection Kit

Vector® M.O.M.TM Kit (Basic)


1 Kit

ImmPRESSTM Anti-Rabbit Ig (peroxidase) Reagent



50 ml

ImmPRESSTM Anti-Mouse Ig (peroxidase) Reagent



50 ml

ImmPRESSTM Anti-Goat Ig (peroxidase) Reagent



50 ml

ImmPRESSTM Universal Antibody Kit



50 ml

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Glucose Oxidase Kits

Standard (Reagent A and B only)


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Glucose Oxidase Kits

Rabbit IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Glucose Oxidase Kits

Mouse IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Glucose Oxidase Kits

Human IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Glucose Oxidase Kits

Rat IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Glucose Oxidase Kits

Goat IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Glucose Oxidase Kits

Sheep IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Glucose Oxidase Kits

Guinea Pig IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Glucose Oxidase Kits

Human IgM


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Glucose Oxidase Kits

Mouse IgM


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Peroxidase Kits

Standard (Reagent A and B only)


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Peroxidase Kits

Rabbit IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Peroxidase Kits

Mouse IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Peroxidase Kits

Human IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Peroxidase Kits

Rat IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Peroxidase Kits

Goat IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Peroxidase Kits

Sheep IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Peroxidase Kits

Guinea Pig IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Peroxidase Kits

Human IgM


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® ABC-Peroxidase Kits

Mouse IgM


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® Elite ABC-Peroxidase Kits

Standard (Reagent A and B only)


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® Elite ABC-Peroxidase Kits

Rabbit IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® Elite ABC-Peroxidase Kits

Mouse IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® Elite ABC-Peroxidase Kits

Human IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® Elite ABC-Peroxidase Kits

Rat IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® Elite ABC-Peroxidase Kits

Goat IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® Elite ABC-Peroxidase Kits

Sheep IgG


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® Elite ABC-Peroxidase Kits



1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® Elite ABC-Peroxidase Kits

R.T.U. ABC Reagent


50 ml

VECTASTAIN® Elite ABC-Peroxidase Kits

R.T.U. Universal


1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® Universal Quick Kits



1 Kit

VECTASTAIN® Universal Quick Kits



1 Kit

Первичные антитела и зонды

Название Catalog № Объем
Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone VP-A101 1 ml
Alpha Actinin VP-A102 1 ml
Alpha Fetoprotein VP-A104 1 ml
Alpha Sarcoglycan (Adhalin) VP-A105 1 ml
Alpha Synuclein VP-A106 1 ml
Amyloid P Protein VP-A107 1 ml
Amyloid Precursor Protein VP-A108 1 ml
Amyloid Precursor Protein VP-A109 1 ml
Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (p80) VP-A110 1 ml
Androgen Receptor VP-A111 1 ml
Androgen Receptor VP-A112 1 ml
Androgen Receptor VP-A113 0.25 ml
Apolipoprotein D VP-A114 1 ml
bcl-2 Oncoprotein VP-B201 1 ml
Bcl-6 VP-B202 1 ml
Beta Amyloid VP-B203 1 ml
Beta Catenin VP-B204 1 ml
Beta Dystroglycan VP-B205 1 ml
Beta Sarcoglycan VP-B206 1 ml
Blood Coagulation Factor X111a VP-B207 1 ml
Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 VP-B208 1 ml
Bromodeoxyuridine VP-B209 1 ml
Calbindin VP-C301 1 ml
Calcitonin VP-C302 0.5 ml
Caldesmon VP-C303 1 ml
Calpain VP-C304 2.5 ml
Calpain VP-C305 2.5 ml
Calretinin VP-C306 1 ml
Carcinoembroyonic Antigen (CD66e) VP-C307 1 ml
Caspase-3 (CPP32) VP-C308 1 ml
Caspase-3 (CPP32) VP-C309 0.5 ml
Cathepsin D VP-C310 1 ml
CD1a VP-C311 1 ml
CD1a VP-C312 1 ml
CD2 (LFA-2)  VP-C313 1 ml
CD3 VP-C314 1 ml
CD3 VP-C315 1 ml
CD3 VP-C316 1 ml
CD3 (rat monoclonal) VP-C317 1 ml
CD4 VP-C318 1 ml
CD4 VP-C319 1 ml
CD4/CD8 (duo pack) VP-C320 2 x 0.5 ml
CD5 VP-C321 1 ml
CD5 VP-C322 1 ml
CD7 VP-C323 1 ml
CD8 VP-C324 1 ml
CD8 VP-C325 1 ml
CD9 (Motility-Related Protein-1) VP-C326 1 ml
CD10 VP-C327 1 ml
CD10 (CALLA) VP-C328 1 ml
CD11b (Mac-1) VP-C329 1 ml
CD13 VP-C330 1 ml
CD14 VP-C331 1 ml
CD15 VP-C332 1 ml
CD16 VP-C333 1 ml
CD20 VP-C335 1 ml
CD21 VP-C336 1 ml
CD22 (BL-CAM) VP-C337 1 ml
CD22 (BL-CAM) VP-C338 1 ml
CD23 VP-C339 1 ml
CD25 (Interleukin-2 Receptor) VP-C340 1 ml
CD29 VP-C341 1 ml
CD30 VP-C342 1 ml
CD30 VP-C343 1 ml
CD31 (PECAM-1) VP-C344 1 ml
CD34 (Endothelial Cell Marker) VP-C345 1 ml
CD38 VP-C346 0.5 ml
CD38 VP-C348 1 ml
CD40 VP-C349 1 ml
CD42b (GP1b) VP-C350 1 ml
CD43 VP-C351 1 ml
CD43 VP-C352 1 ml
CD44 (H-CAM) VP-C353 1 ml
CD45 (Leukocyte Common Antigen)  VP-C354 1 ml
CD45RA VP-C355 1 ml
CD45RO VP-C356 1 ml
CD54 (ICAM-1) VP-C357 1 ml
CD56 (NCAM) VP-C359 1 ml
CD56 (NCAM) VP-C360 1 ml
CD57 VP-C361 1 ml
CD61 (GPIIIa) VP-C362 1 ml
CD66a (CEACAM1) VP-C363 1 ml
CD68 VP-C364 1 ml
CD79a VP-C366 1 ml
CD79a VP-C367 1 ml
CD83 VP-C368 1 ml
CD99 (MIC2) VP-C369 1 ml
CD105 (Endoglin) VP-C371 1 ml
CD138 (Syndecan-1) VP-C372 1 ml
CD146 (MCAM) VP-C373 1 ml
CD163 VP-C374 1 ml
CD166 (ALCAM) VP-C375 1 ml
Cellular Apoptosis Susceptibility Protein VP-C377 1 ml
cerbB-2 Oncoprotein (External Domain) VP-C378 1 ml
cerbB-2 Oncoprotein (Internal Domain) VP-C379 100 tests
cerbB-2 Oncoprotein (Internal Domain) VP-C380 1 ml
cerbB-3 Oncoprotein VP-C381 1 ml
Checkpoint Kinase 1 VP-C382 1 ml
Choline Acetyltransferase VP-C383 1 ml
Chromogranin A VP-C384 1 ml
c-kit Oncoprotein (CD117) VP-C385 1 ml
Clusterin (Apolipoprotein J) VP-C386 1 ml
Collagen Type II VP-C387 1 ml
Collagen Type IV VP-C388 1 ml
Complement Component C9 VP-C389 1 ml
Cryptosporidium (Unconjugated) VP-C390 1 ml
Cyclin A VP-C391 1 ml
Cyclin B1 VP-C392 1 ml
Cyclin D1 VP-C393 1 ml
Cyclin D1 VP-C394 1 ml
Cyclin D3 VP-C395 1 ml
Cyclin E VP-C396 1 ml
Cytokeratin 1 VP-C398 0.5 ml
Cytokeratin 4 VP-C399 0.5 ml
Cytokeratin 5 VP-C400 1 ml
Cytokeratin 6 VP-C401 1 ml
Cytokeratin 7 VP-C402 1 ml
Cytokeratin 7 VP-C403 1 ml
Cytokeratin 8 VP-C404 1 ml
Cytokeratin (8/18) VP-C405 100 tests
Cytokeratin (8/18) VP-C406 100 tests
Cytokeratin (8/18) VP-C407 1 ml
Cytokeratin 10 VP-C408 1 ml
Cytokeratin 13 VP-C409 0.5 ml
Cytokeratin 14 VP-C410 1 ml
Cytokeratin 15 VP-C411 1 ml
Cytokeratin 16 VP-C412 1 ml
Cytokeratin 17 VP-C413 1 ml
Cytokeratin 18 VP-C414 1 ml
Cytokeratin 19 VP-C415 1 ml
Cytokeratin 20 VP-C416 1 ml
Cytokeratin (1/5/10/14) VP-C417 1 ml
Cytokeratin (5/6/18) VP-C418 1 ml
Cytokeratin-Multi VP-C419 1 ml
Cytokeratin-Multi (4/5/6/8/10/13/18) VP-C420 1 ml
Cytokeratin-Pan (5/6/8/18) VP-C421 1 ml
Cytomegalovirus (pp65 antigen) VP-C422 1 ml
Chromogranin A VP-C425 1 ml
Delta-Sarcoglycan VP-D501 1 ml
Desmin VP-D502 1 ml
Dysferlin VP-D503 1 ml
Dysferlin VP-D504 1 ml
Dystrophin (C-terminus) VP-D505 2.5 ml
Dystrophin (duo pack) VP-D506 2 x 2.5 ml
Dystrophin (N-terminus) VP-D507 2.5 ml
Dystrophin (Rod Domain) VP-D508 2.5 ml
Dystrophin (triple pack) VP-D509 3 x 2.5 ml
Dystrophin Kit VP-D510 5 x 15 tests
E-Cadherin VP-E601 1 ml
Emerin VP-E602 1 ml
Enterovirus (Unconjugated) VP-E603 1 ml
Envoplakin VP-E604 1 ml
Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor VP-E605 1 ml
Epithelial Membrane Antigen VP-E606 1 ml
Epithelial Specific Antigen VP-E607 1 ml
Epstein Barr virus (EAD) VP-E608 1 ml
Epstein Barr virus (LMP) VP-E609 1 ml
Epstein Barr virus (NA2) VP-E610 1 ml
Estrogen & Progesterone Receptor (duo pack) VP-E611 2 x 0.5 ml
Estrogen & Progesterone Receptor (duo pack) VP-E612 2 x 0.5 ml
Estrogen Receptor VP-E613 1 ml
Estrogen Receptor VP-E614 1 ml
Ets-1 Oncoprotein VP-E616 1 ml
Estrogen Receptor VP-E617  1 ml
c-fos Oncoprotein VP-F701 1 ml
Fas (CD95) VP-F702 1 ml
Fascin VP-F703 1 ml
Feline Calicivirus (capsid protein) VP-F704 0.5 ml
Fibronectin VP-F705 1 ml
Filaggrin VP-F706 1 ml
Galectin-1 VP-G801 1 ml
Galectin-3 VP-G802 1 ml
Gamma-Sarcoglycan VP-G803 1 ml
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein VP-G804 0.5 ml
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein VP-G805 1 ml
Glucagon VP-G806 0.5 ml
Glucocorticoid Receptor VP-G807 1 ml
Glutathione S-Transferase alpha VP-G808 0.5 ml
Glutathione S-Transferase pi VP-G809 0.5 ml
Glutathione S-Transferase pi VP-G810 1 ml
Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor VP-G811 1 ml
Granzyme B VP-G812 1 ml
Gross Cystic Disease Fluid Protein-15 VP-G813 1 ml
Growth Associated Phosphoprotein 43 (GAP43) VP-G814 1 ml
Heat Shock Protein 27 VP-H901 1 ml
Heat Shock Protein 70 VP-H902 1 ml
Hepatitis B virus (core antigen) VP-H904 0.5 ml
Hepatitis C virus (NS3) VP-H905 1 ml
Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor (c-MET) VP-H906 1 ml
Hepatocyte Specific Antigen VP-H907 1 ml
HLA Class I Antigen VP-H908 1 ml
Hormones A (triple pack) VP-H909 3 x 0.25 ml
Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone (beta 2) VP-H910 1 ml
Human Gastric Mucin VP-H911 1 ml
Human Growth Hormone VP-H912 0.25 ml
Human Herpesvirus (type 8) (latent nuclear antigen) VP-H913 1 ml
Human Milk Fat Globule VP-H914 1 ml
Human Spasmolytic Polypeptide VP-H915 1 ml
Human Immunodeficiencey Virsu (p24 Capsid Protein) VP-H917 1 ml
Helicobacter VP-H918 1 ml
Insulin VP-I250 1 ml
Involucrin VP-I251 1 ml
Ki67 Antigen VP-K450 100 tests
Ki67 Antigen VP-K451 0.2 ml
Ki67 Antigen VP-K452 1 ml
Ki67 Antigen Kit VP-K453 100 tests
Lamin A/C VP-L550 1 ml
Laminin VP-L551 0.5 ml
Langerin VP-L552 1 ml
Macrophage Marker VP-M640 1 ml
Macrophage Marker VP-M641 1 ml
Maspin VP-M642 1 ml
Mast Cell Tryptase VP-M643 1 ml
Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 VP-M644 1 ml
MDM2 Protein VP-M645 1 ml
Melan A VP-M646 1 ml
Melanoma Marker (HMB45) VP-M647 1 ml
Merosin Laminin Alpha 2 Chain VP-M648 1 ml
Mesothelin VP-M649 1 ml
Microphthalmia Transcription Factor (MITF) VP-M650 1 ml
Minichromosome Maintenance Protein 2 VP-M651 1 ml
Minichromosome Maintenance Protein 7 VP-M652 1 ml
Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 4 VP-M653 1 ml
Muc-1 Core Glycoprotein VP-M654 1 ml
Muc-1 Glycoprotein VP-M655 1 ml
Muc-2 Glycoprotein VP-M656 1 ml
Muc-5AC Glycoprotein VP-M657 1 ml
Muc-6 Glycoprotein VP-M658 1 ml
Muscle Specific Actin VP-M659 1 ml
Myeloperoxidase VP-M661 1 ml
Myeloperoxidase VP-M662 1 ml
Myoglobin VP-M663 1 ml
Myosin Heavy Chain (developmental) VP-M664 1 ml
Myosin Heavy Chain (fast) VP-M665 1 ml
Myosin Heavy Chain (neonatal) VP-M666 1 ml
Myosin Heavy Chain (slow) VP-M667 1 ml
MyoD1 (Rhabdomyosarcoma Marker) VP-M669 1 ml
Myosin Heavy Chain (smooth muscle) VP-M670 1 ml
M2A Antigen (Lymphatic Endothelial Cell Marker) VP-M671 0.5  ml
Mast Cell Tryptase VP-M672 1 ml
Myoglobin VP-M673 1 ml
Neuroblastoma marker VP-N750 1 ml
Neurofilament 160kD VP-N751 1 ml
Neurofilament 200kD VP-N752 1 ml
Neurofilament 200kD VP-N753 1 ml
Neurofilament 68kD VP-N754 1 ml
Neuron Specific Enolase VP-N755 1 ml
Osteonectin VP-O851 1 ml
Ovarian Cancer Antigen (CA125) VP-O853 1 ml
p16 Protein VP-P950 1 ml
p27 Protein VP-P951 1 ml
p53 Protein (1801) VP-P953 1 ml
p53 Protein (BP53-12) VP-P954 1 ml
p53 Protein (CM1) VP-P955 0.2 ml
p53 Protein (CM5) VP-P956 0.2 ml
p53 Protein (D0-1) VP-P957 1 ml
p53 Protein (D0-7) VP-P958 1 ml
p57 Protein (Kip2) VP-P959 1 ml
p63 Protein VP-P960 1 ml
Parathyroid Hormone VP-P962 1 ml
Parvalbumin (Alpha) VP-P963 1 ml
Parvovirus B19 VP-P964 1 ml
P-Cadherin VP-P965 1 ml
Perforin VP-P967 1 ml
Peripherin VP-P968 1 ml
Placental Alkaline Phosphatase VP-P969 1 ml
Placental Lactogen VP-P970 1 ml
Platelet-Derived Endothelial Growth Factor VP-P971 1 ml
Pneumocystis carinii VP-P972 1 ml
Polyomavirus (JC/BK viruses) VP-P973 1 ml
Progesterone Receptor VP-P974 2 ml
Progesterone Receptor VP-P975 1 ml
Progesterone Receptor VP-P976 1 ml
Progesterone Receptor (A/B Forms) VP-P977 1 ml
Proinsulin VP-P978 1 ml
Prolactin VP-P979 1 ml
Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen VP-P980 1 ml
Prostate Specific Antigen VP-P981 1 ml
Prostatic Acid Phosphatase VP-P982 1 ml
Protein Gene Product 9.5 VP-P983 1 ml
pS2 Protein VP-P984 0.5 ml
PTEN VP-P985 1 ml
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor VP-P986 1 ml
Renal Cell Carcinoma Marker VP-R150 1 ml
Respiratory syncytial virus (Unconjugated) VP-R151 1 ml
ret Oncoprotein VP-R152 1 ml
Retinoblastoma Gene Protein VP-R153 1 ml
CD3 VP-RM01 0.5 ml
COX-2 VP-RM02 0.5 ml
Cyclin D1 VP-RM03 0.5 ml
Ki67 VP-RM04 0.5 ml
Estrogen Receptor VP-RM05 0.5 ml
Progesterone Receptor VP-RM06 0.5 ml
c-erB-2 Oncoprotein VP-RM07 0.5 ml
p53 Protein VP-RM08 0.5 ml
Synaptophysin VP-RM09 0.5 ml
Chromogranin VP-RM10 0.5 ml
Calretinin VP-RM11 0.5 ml
Placental Alkaline Phosphatase VP-RM12 0.5 ml
CD8 VP-RM13 0.5 ml
Calcitonin VP-RM14 0.5 ml
CD79a VP-RM15 0.5 ml
CD5 VP-RM16 0.5 ml
Vimentin VP-RM17 0.5 ml
CD23 VP-RM18 0.5 ml
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) VP-RM19 0.5 ml
S-100 Protein VP-S275 1 ml
S-100 Protein VP-S276 1 ml
Sarcoplasmic/Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+ ATPase 1 VP-S277 0.5 ml
Sarcoplasmic/Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+ ATPase 2 VP-S278 0.5 ml
Securin VP-S279 1 ml
Sialyl Lewis a (CA19-9) VP-S280 1 ml
Smooth Muscle Actin, Alpha VP-S281 1 ml
Somatostatin VP-S282 0.25 ml
Spectrin VP-S283 1 ml
Synaptophysin VP-S284 1 ml
Synaptophysin VP-S285 1 ml
Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase VP-T475 1 ml
Tau VP-T476 1 ml
Telomerase (Catalytic Unit) VP-T477 1 ml
Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase VP-T478 1 ml
Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase VP-T479 1 ml
Thrombomodulin (CD141) VP-T480 1 ml
Thyroglobulin VP-T481 1 ml
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone VP-T482 1 ml
Thyroid Transcription Factor-1 VP-T483 1 ml
Topoisomerase II Alpha VP-T484 1 ml
Toxoplasma gondii P30 Antigen VP-T485 1 ml
Transforming Growth Factor Beta VP-T486 1 ml
Transforming Growth Factor Beta (type 1) VP-T487 1 ml
Tyrosinase VP-T488 1 ml
Tyrosine Hydroxylase VP-T489 1 ml
Ubiquitin VP-U575 1 ml
Ubiquitin VP-U576 1 ml
Ubiquitin VP-U577 1 ml
Utrophin (C-terminus) VP-U578 2.5 ml
Utrophin (N-terminus) VP-U579 2.5 ml
Varicella-zoster virus (Unconjugated) VP-V680 1 ml
Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide VP-V681 0.25 ml
Villin VP-V682 1 ml
Vimentin VP-V683 1 ml
Vimentin VP-V684 1 ml
Vinculin VP-V685 1 ml
von Willebrand Factor VP-V686 1 ml
von Willebrand Factor VP-V687 1 ml
Wilms’ Tumor VP-W775 1 ml
Control Probe VP-Y175 50 tests
Epstein Barr virus Probe VP-Y176 50 tests
Epstein Barr virus Probe ISH Kit VP-Y177 50 tests
Kappa/Lambda Probes VP-Y178 2 x 25 tests
Proteinase K VP-Y179 500 µg
Universal ISH Detection Kit VP-Y180 100 tests
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